Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Tabard Grinding Reps in WotLK

Warcraft Reputations

World of Warcraft Reputations

There are a lot of reputations in World of Warcraft. When you reach level 80 in Northrend, you’ll probably have reached at least Revered with a few of them, but then there are the four tabard grinding reps that will allow you to get more reputation by wearing the tabards of those four particular factions in the dungeons and heroic dungeons of the continent. Here is a breakdown of each and what you should be doing with each one to get to Exalted as fast as possible:

Kirin Tor – The Kirin Tor faction is Dalaran’s main faction and will reward you with a variety of discounts and extras in Dalaran itself – one of the coolest cities in the game. So, while getting the reputation is pretty straightforward, the rewards are fantastic, so there is no good reason to put it off any longer than necessary.

Knights of the Ebon Blade – The knights of the Ebon Blade are the Death Knights in Icecrown and, while you’ll be able to get a few good quests in the zone when you start there, most of your faction gain comes from tabard grinding. Watch out for ways to boost this reputation a bit when you hit the Argent Tournament as well though – as there are some good quests there with extra Knights of the Ebon Blade reputation.

Wyrmrest Accord – The Wyrmrest Accord in Dragonblight is a great faction for a number of reasons, mostly related to lore. You’ll want to grind this one early as well, and use the dailies that are available here as early as level 83 to get the reputation available to you. Ideally, this grind should be pretty quick.

Argent Crusade – The is the easiest of the four to level up these days due to the Argent Tournament. You’ll gain some reputation in Icrecrown when you first get there at Level 79, but then you can complete quests for the Argent Tournament, become a Champion, and run the Coliseum – all things that boost your overall reputation with this faction pretty quickly.

Once you’ve reached Exalted with all four of these tabard grinding factions, using both those tabards and the number of different quests and options available to you throughout Northrend, your reward options will open up and increase many times over. Make sure you’re prepared for whatever the game requires of you, because these factions make the whole grind well worth your while.

Warcraft Reputations

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